The Quality Assurance Unit
The Quality Assurance Unit was established as a unit in 2013 and has grown into a full directorate under the office of the Vice Chancellor. This positioning has enabled the directorate to work closely with both Deputy Vice Chancellors for Academic, Research and Publications, and for Planning, Finance and Administration, to ensure ‘fit for purpose’ of all University activities.
The directorate continued to work with the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU), the Inter-University Council of East Africa (IUCEA) and other Universities inside and outside the country to learn best practices in the provision of higher education. Its main priority has been quality assurance in teaching and learning but has also gradually moved to include research and public service in its portfolio in light of completion of the MUHAS Academic Medical Centre (MAMC) at Mloganzila
Our Roles
- Ensure performance indicators and standards are set in all aspects of University functions, and that they are appropriate and relevant;
- Develop and update general operations manual (including internal evaluations guidelines) to guide University level QA activities;
- Provide advice and guidance to all Units on implementation of QA activities;
- Perform analysis and interpret all QA data to identify areas that need to be addressed by Units, Departments, Schools/lnstitutes, Directorates and the
- University management;
- Carry out internal assessment of all academic programs and the University as per developed schedule;
- Facilitate external assessment of academic programs and the University and disseminate findings of the reports to all stakeholders involved;
- Monitor the implementation of all internal and external assessment recommendations;
- Advice the University on matters related to QA in teaching/learning, research, public services and internal support services and provisions in general;
- Synthesize QA matters arising from debates and practices in the region and internationally, and to update the University community and management;
- Update the VC on the performance of the university and functioning of the
- MUHAS QA system; and
- Link MUHAS with TCU, IUCEA and other agencies and professional bodies in QA matters relevant to implementing its core functions.
MUHAS Quality Assurance Policy |
Guideline for Conducting Tracer Studies at MUHAS |
Curriculum Development frame work 2023 |
MUHAS Guidelines for Examination Moderators/External Examines |
MUHAS Quality Assurance Policy |
Clinical Teaching Guidelines |
Curriculum Development frame work 2023 |
MUHAS Guidelines for Examination Moderators/External Examines |